Oasis Montana Inc.
Renewable Energy Supply and Design
406-777-4321or 4309
e-mail: info@oasismontana.com
Home Page: www.oasismontana.com

Visit us on the web for product and project information!
For grid-tied power systems, www.grid-tie.com
Solar water pumping:  www.PVsolarpumps.com
Non-electric gas appliances, www.LPappliances.com
Efficient and DC appliances, www.eco-fridge.com
And our main page at www.oasismontana.com

Chickens in winter at Oasis Montana inc.Hi folks. As we head into late winter, we are very mindful of the changes that have occurred in our solar industry in the past decade. Some major manufacturers have simply gone away or are going through restructuring, the outcome of which is still to be determined (Magnum Energy? Outback Power?). Tech support from some of these companies has been poor or even non-existent. Impending tariffs are likely to change the supply chain in a very big way. Since most solar components contain aluminum and steel, the future appears uncertain at times. But, by choosing solar power, you are doing more than providing electricity for your home or business; you are a focal point in driving a meaningful and positive change. Together, we will work towards a cleaner and less polluting future, one solar power system at a time!

And, there are a lot of new inverter products available now. Some are noisy; some run hot. There are a lot of manufacturers out there with great headlines, attention-grabbing ads, and sometimes really good pricing. We’re sticking with some old stand-bys, like SMA, Midnite Solar, Enphase, Fronius, and we are having good luck with Sol-Ark. We have learned not to use our customers as guinea pigs.

Residential roof mounted solar module arrayAnd we have other news to share: Our system design & technical sales person, Larry Keogh is now not just talking the talk, but walking the walk! He’s recently had a grid-tie with battery backup power system installed at his home; components consist of ten Mission 340W solar modules, flush roof mount (see picture), ten Enphase IQ8A Micro-Inverters, the IQ5P battery kit, and the usual system accoutrements. The total installed system cost was ~$20,850; and curiously, right after its installation, there was a power outage in the neighborhood – but not at Larry’s house! And he’ll be recouping a hefty ~$6200 in tax credits. Congrats for stepping up to the plate, Larry!

Solar energy is now the largest new source of electricity generation added to our utility grids in the United States. Over 64% of the new capacity through third quarter, 2024, was solar, followed by natural gas.
Renewable power works!

Downed utility power linesAnd from time to time, in lieu of floods, fires, high winds—utility power is not always dependable.  If you want reliable back-up power, drop us a line or give us a call to talk about your solar ideas, Larry@oasismontana.com, info@oasismontana.com
or call 406-777-4321.


LITTLE ROSIE by Midnite Solar! Pair an MNLR3648M Little Rosie inverter with an MNGP2 display for a special introductory price of only $1989! Pricing good until May 1st.
Little Rosie by MidNite solar from Oasis Montana • 120VAC / 60Hz Input & Output
• 3600 watts @ 40C/125F 48 volt DC
• 5 second surge >5400 Watts
• 60 amp charger
• 30A Internal Transfer relay
• Neutral to ground bond switching internally
• 2 aux input/outputs
• Listings: UL1741, UL458 & CSA
• Quiet forced air cooling
• SOC monitoring with MidNite Wizbang Jr. and MNGP2
• Auto gen start (two-wire generators)
• Canbus communications
• Light-weight: 15 lbs

MidNite Solar inverters from Oasis Montana Solar Power System Design & SupplyMore information at MidNite Solar.


Call 406 777-4321 or e-mail for additional information!

Renewable Energy News...

How does your state stack up in renewables?
from Clean Energy Business Network

Depression era hacks to save you money now:
from Organic Consumers Association

What REALLY kills the most birds.
from biographic.com

Imagine getting a grant to plant an orchard:
from Fruit Tree Planting Foundation

Flow battery technologies are ramping up.
from Clean Technica

Stockpiled solar modules in the U.S. and elsewhere…
from Clean Technica

Climate change and Montanans:
from MSN

An oil and nuclear proponent talks about current energy policies.
from Clean Technica (comments are good too)

Is your electric bill funding lavish perks?
from Floodlight news 

Indian Corn at Oasis Montana Residential Solar Design & Supply

Last year was a bumper crop here at the Oasis, with hundreds of pounds of apples and a very productive garden (although a family of raccoons did get all of the plums). We had a good crop of native corn, and if you are interested in getting any seed from this unique strain, let us know. The origin of the corn is central Arizona; it was discovered in an ancient pueblo that had not been disturbed for 650 – 700 years, and it contained these little ears of corn. My neighbor started growing it and then I did too, being entranced by the beautiful colors and its history. It’s a good short season corn that does well with our growing season of 12 – 14 weeks. I call it Montanasazi corn; it’s beautiful, suitable for grinding intoMulti colored eggs at the home office of Oasis Montana residetial solar design and supply corn meal, and is a pretty good sweet corn in the milk stage. Postage costs have now risen; it costs from $1.75 to $5.85 to send 2 to 4 ounces of this via USPS, but that’s still a pretty good deal; if you’d like to try some of this beautiful maize, send me a couple of dollars and I’ll be happy to send you some. Chris@oasismontana.com My chickens say…it’s good corn! But they are wishing for springtime temps…it’s been a long cold winter.
Despite the cold and snowy winter, our hens come through with delicious eggs!

... And More Renewable Energy News

Information about heat pumps for greater efficiency in your area:
from EnergySage.com

Basic information about EV charging.
from calevip.org

How to use less water:
from The Guardian

President Carter had it right.
from PV Magazine

Inflation Reduction Act delivers 4X the investment:
from altenerg.com


The IRA will deliver fourfold taxpayer returns:
from UtilityDive.com

Why is sea level rise in the U.S. greater in the southeast?
from cleantechnica.com

Solar panels and wildfire smoke: the real story.
from The Hill

Electricity rates are outpacing inflation: -- utility rates are anticipated to increase at about 5% per year.
from PV Magazine

Where it gets too hot, will people live underground?
from getpocket.com


... and now everyone's favorite!
What would life be without remembering unforgettable
"Quotable Quotes"?

The purpose of life is to contribute in some way to making things better.
Bobby Kennedy

We can all live together happily in a country where everyone has their own opinions. We cannot live together in a country where everyone has their own facts.
(the late) Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan

He that plants trees loves others besides himself.
Thomas Fuller

What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness? You only truly, deeply appreciate and are grateful for something when you compare and contrast it to something worse.
John Steinbeck

I say to you quite frankly that the time for racial discrimination is over. The test of a government is not how popular it is with the powerful and privileged few, but how honestly and fairly it deals with the many who must depend upon it.
Jimmy Carter

Hope is the eternal tool in the survival kit for mankind.
Sidney Poitier

One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane.
Nikola Tesla

A fine beer may be judged with only one sip, but it’s better to be thoroughly sure.
Czech proverb

Once a country is habituated to liars, it takes generations to get the truth back.
Gore Vidal

Part of being optimistic is keeping one’s head pointed towards the sun, one’s feet moving forward.
Nelson Mandela

To those devoid of imagination, a blank place on the map is a useless waste; to others, the most valuable part.
Aldo Leopold

What a waste if we are able to see how human activity affects our environment, but choose not to act upon that knowledge because it does not align with our beliefs.
Steve Hanley

Visit us on the web for product and project information!
For grid-tied power systems, www.grid-tie.com
Solar water pumping:  www.PVsolarpumps.com
Non-electric gas appliances, www.LPappliances.com
Efficient and DC appliances, www.eco-fridge.com
Composting toilets, www.eco-potty.com
And our main page at www.oasismontana.com