Oasis Montana Inc.
Renewable Energy Supply and Design
406-777-4321or 4309
e-mail: info@oasismontana.com
Home Page: www.oasismontana.com

Visit us on the web for product and project information!
For grid-tied power systems, www.grid-tie.com
Solar water pumping:  www.PVsolarpumps.com
Non-electric gas appliances, www.LPappliances.com
Efficient and DC appliances, www.eco-fridge.com
And our main page at www.oasismontana.com

People face the real problem of power outages--from floods, hurricanes, ice storms, or simply undependable grid power.  Or, if you're building an off-grid home, you may need power during construction or until your alternate energy system is installed.  Burning fossil fuel may be noisy and smoky--but generators can be cost-effective in the short term, are also used to top off your batteries as needed in low light, low wind or winter conditions, and can provide temporary power in emergency situations.

Many persons find that adding a battery system and inverter to their generator can be a very cost-effective move (a gen-verter system).  If a large load or two is powered on a daily or weekly basis, while that AC load is being run, the generator can be charging your batteries via a charger in the inverter.  Then, when the generator is shut down, smaller loads (lights, TV, VCR, radio, computer, etc.) can be run through the inverter from the battery bank.  When a generator is being run to power just small loads, its fuel consumption is hardly efficient.  It's best to optimize the generator's full output for the loads you're running.  Otherwise you're wearing out your generator, while you're wasting fuel--just to power some small loads.
See our GENERATOR page for more information.

1)  Hire an electrician to wire your generator.  There will not be a problem with grid (utility) interaction if you do.
2)  Always make sure that your home circuits are disconnected from the utility prior to starting your generator.  Before re-connecting to the utility power, make certain your generator is off and all protective breakers are in place.
3)  Do not attempt to repair your generator.  Hire a qualified service person.  Your generator is a mechanical beast, and will require regular servicing (oil changes, etc.).
4)  Make certain your generator will power the loads you want--proper sizing is very important.
6)  Make sure your conductors (extension cords, wire) are rated for the loads you plan to power.
7)  Generators are extremely hot under operation; don't touch, and keep in a well ventilated place, like outdoors or in a separate, ventilated shed. 
8)  Store fuels safely and in proper containers and locations.
9)  Keep children and pets away from generators and fuels at all times!
We offer many types of generators; let us know what options, fuel and KW range you desire.


WIND GENERATION:Is it for you?
We're getting a lot of calls from folks getting sticker shock when they receive their utility bill.  But before you call us and ask what it'll take and how much it will cost, you need to do a bit of homework first.
1)  We need to know your power requirements in terms of watt-hours or kilowatt hours per day.
2)  You MUST have an average wind speed of 10 to 12 mph or greater to make wind generation cost effective--check with your local weather folks and airports to make certain you meet this very basic requirement!  (the Bergey web site offers wind maps, see below)
3)  If you're serious about utilizing renewable energy sources, reduce your power requirements by the use of efficient lighting and refrigeration, and using natural or LP gas for heating loads.  Doing so will save you money.
4)  The taller the tower the greater the wind generation.  A 30 ft. tower won't do much… Will your community or neighbors let you put up a tower?  You may need to consult a civil engineer in your area to plan your project.

  We also offer the larger, heavier duty (and quieter) units manufactured by Bergey Windpower; see  http://www.bergey.com  for information on their high powered units, then call us for your discounted pricing.


 The STK-64 RV POWER SYSTEM will work as well on your RV as on the roof of your house.  Batteries are not included as they are generally standard on RVs.  The package includes a Uni-Solar 64W solar module (unbreakable amorphous technology with a 20 year output warranty), a controller to prevent battery overcharging, 30 feet of cable, flat (flush) mount structure, installation booklet, and all the hardware needed to wire the installation to your RV's battery (or to your in-house deep cycle battery).

Installation is relatively simple; 5 easy steps for RV installation:
1)  Fasten solar module to the roof using the mount structure
2)  Mount the controller on an inside wall near the refrigerator
3)  Run the electrical wire down behind the refrigerator via the roof vent
4)  Connect one end of the wire to the module, the other to the back of the controller
5)  Run another wire between the controller and the battery--or to your 12V DC fuse panel.
6)  Let the sun charge your battery!
A do-it-yourselfer can put this system together in an afternoon; or, if you're not technically inclined, most RV dealerships can do this for you.  These systems operate without care, becoming part of your vehicle's 12V system, keeping a charge on your battery without danger of overcharging.

Most solar modules are suitable for RV use; a handy-person who can come up with his/her own mount structure, wire, and hardware can put a module or two on a trailer for the cost of the module(s) and regulator.  The only limit is the size of your trailer's roof!


Pages to this newsletter:

Visit us on the web for product and project information!
For grid-tied power systems, www.grid-tie.com
Solar water pumping:  www.PVsolarpumps.com
Non-electric gas appliances, www.LPappliances.com
Efficient and DC appliances, www.eco-fridge.com
Composting toilets, www.eco-potty.com
And our main page at www.oasismontana.com