OASIS MONTANA INC., 436 Red Fox Lane, Stevensville, Montana, 59870 Web Page:
www.oasismontana.com E-Mail:
info@oasismontana.com Fax: 406-777-4309 Local Phone Line: 406-777-4321 Hours 8:30 am to 4:00 MST NOTE:
We are getting socked with price increases from all sides of this
industry. Call first to check and be certain our pricing is current!
You are viewing an archived
Call 406 777-4309 or email us
for the current pricing an any featured items listed within.
2001 Flier I really apologize, folks. I wanted to have this flier out in November of last year! But this cold and busy winter
(and damnably cold spring) has just flown by--we've installed a small
wind generator here
at the Oasis, upgraded to a new inverter, and issues like deregulation and rolling power outages have been keeping us swamped. So please pardon our delay in getting this to you. We have some
new appliances and sales to offer and some ideas as to how you can help the renewable energy cause. THINK GREEN! --Chris Daum at Oasis Montana Inc.
THANK YOU for your interest in renewable energy and Oasis Montana Inc! Whether you have a remote home, RV, ham radio, emergency back-up project, or are upgrading an existing system, do not hesitate to call
or e-mail us with your power needs; we'd be glad to specify a system sized for your unique power requirements. We offer competitive pricing on a variety of components, and we also may know where to refer you for that obscure item you seek. If you haven't checked out our web page, you will always find the latest in component information and pricing at www.oasismontana.com and our new gas appliance site, www.lpappliances.com. For those of you who aren't "on line" or are beginning your project, we have an extremely informative 40 page Design Guide and 141 page Product Catalog for ten dollars ($18 out of country)--a boon to your energy library! Products, system sizing, pricing,
components, energy efficient and
LP appliances, battery care, gas generators and
wind turbines are just some of the topics covered.
way cool! Here's the component list: 8 - 60W Solar Modules 2 - Mount Structures 1 - Air 403 Wind Generator
Tower and Schedule 40 Pipe for Pole 1 - Each Toggle Switch, Amp Meter, Class R Fuse & Block 1 - Outdoor Combiner Enclosure w/ Surge Protector 1 - Each Array Disconnect, Surge Protector and Breaker
Module Interconnects 1 - Trace C40 Regulator with Digital Volt Meter 1 - Trace Battery Temp Sensor 1 - Set of Class R Fuses with Holder 1 - Trace PS2524 Sinewave Inverter 1 - Trace Sinewave Remote Control 1 - 60A 2 Pole Indoor Fusible Disconnect 1 Each Inverter Disconnect and Class T Fuse & Block 16 - Surrette 6V 438AH Batteries Battery Interconnects Cabling, Ground Rods, Wire Runs 1 - Battery Box 1 - 6 Breaker, 100A AC Distribution Center 3 - GFCI Breakers (ground fault protection breakers) Conduit for Wire Runs, LB Boxes Miscellaneous Electrical Widgets Electrical Inspection Permit
I had been acquiring components for this system starting nearly a decade ago; originally, it was installed with a Trace DR1524 modified sinewave inverter, but I decided to upgrade that to a sinewave PS2524 and make this an official "net metering system", where, on those infrequent occasions when I'm making more power than I'm using, I can make my "meter spin backwards". NOTE: utility cooperation is a must for these systems. They'll require inspection and will upgrade your electric meter to one that will allow you to put the electricity you make against your household usage, or even sell power back to them (if you make more power than you use). The modules were installed earlier in 2000, and the wind generator was added in autumn, along with the new inverter upgrade. Because of last summer's fires, it was difficult to get a backhoe up here (for excavation of the wind tower's base) until September. Then, I had a problem getting the wire size I wanted for the wind genny's cabling run--(#4 gauge copper) and it was finally available by late October. Brrr! The ground was frozen from our early blast of winter, and it was very cold weather to be digging trenches. But all was installed, working and passed inspection with flying colors by mid-November.
See more on this system,
page 2.
Renewable Energy Web Sites: http://www-solar.mck.ncsu.edu/dsire.htm for a database of state incentives, listed state by state, for your renewable energy project; offers contact persons and organizations for tax breaks, rebates, possible grants, etc.
for lists of top-rated, energy efficient appliances
Do you have frontage on a decent-sized creek or river? This site contains valuable information for you in your pursuit of a micro-hydro system: http://www.eren.doe.gov/consumerinfo/refbriefs/ab2.html Other consumer energy information is also offered at this site.
Are you seeking financing opportunities for your alternate energy power system? Check out
www.netbank.com --you can apply on line easily, and determine if you qualify.
For sourcebooks about green energy, electric vehicles, efficient appliances, and healthy home building see
And here's very informative sites about wind generators: for smaller units, see
http://www.air403windgenerators.com/air_403.html; and for larger units see
http://www.bergey.com (we sell all of these units).
Batteries are the heart of all back-up or remote power systems; for an excellent reference of care and maintenance, see http://www.usbattery.com/care.htm
Lastly, do you have any alternate energy components that you'd like to unload? Perhaps used DC appliances, or an inverter? FREE LISTING at http://www.oasismt.com/usedsolar.html -- non-commercial only please!
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